I write about engineering, leadership, and productivity. When inspiration strikes, I throw in a personal story. If you like what you read below, check out my complete set of posts here.

Popular Blog Posts

  • Understanding Bandwidth

    The failure to multitask and the failure to perform computations in stressful situations have the same cause. Making computations, staying attentive, and controlling your impulses require a resource commonly referred to as mental bandwidth. This resource is limited.

    This post describes mental bandwidth and outlines ways to protect it.

    Read more here.

  • No More Misunderstandings

    Our ability to interpret, pattern-match, and translate information is remarkable, and helps us function in life and at work. While engaged in a tough conversation, however, this premature analysis may hurt us.

    There’s no easy way to break this very natural, very human cycle of interpretation, but there is an answer to the question of how to listen and come away with mutual understanding. That answer is paraphrasing.

    Read more here.

  • Receive Better Feedback by Asking

    This post is the first in a series of posts about how to receive the feedback you need from your managers, peers, and reports.

    This first post talks about why and how you should ask for feedback.

    Read more here.

  • Hidden Lenses

    How often are our intentions misread or overlooked? How often do we hurt others with our sincere efforts to help them grow? How often do we annoy others with our subconscious efforts to make them like us?

    In this post I talk about how to minimize the divergence between intention and impact.

    Read it here.

  • You are not a High Performer

    Labels are limiting. Let me convince you why.

    Read it here.

  • A Proactive Approach to Time Scarcity

    In this post, I describe time scarcity: a common cause of reduced mental bandwidth for managers. It’s the all-too-familiar problem of having too much work and not enough time.

    Read it here.